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The Guinea Pig

The Guinea Pig

The Guinea Pig

The guinea pig is a very popular small mammal. Contrary to popular belief, guinea pigs are not recommended as first pets for children. It's an animal that requires attention and regular care and has special dietary needs. Please refer to our detailed recommendation sheet to make sure you provide the right diet for your guinea pig.

The guinea pig is a herbivore belonging to the order of rodents and the family of hystricomorphs. It can be distinguished from rabbits, as it has only one pair of maxillary incisors – and it differs from myomorphs (rats, mice, hamsters) with its teeth, all of which are continuously growing. This is why dental issues are so frequent in this species.

It is a mainly day-living animal, with peaks of activity at dusk, and a life expectancy of around 5 to 7 years. The weight of a guinea pig can vary between 900 and 1200 grams (males being generally larger).


Guinea pigs are a social species and should be kept in groups of at least two individuals. In the wild, guinea pigs live in family units centered around a dominant male and several females. Individuals that have been raised together are likely to get along well together as adults.

However, in general, males tend to display aggressiveness in the presence of a female. This risk can be reduced by keeping a juvenile male with adult males and offering multiple hiding places in the environment.  

A chinchilla’s health is largely dependent on its environment. There are many ways to provide a suitable environment for your chinchilla. Here are the main guidelines: 

  • The enclosure (or cage) should be installed in a calm, well-ventilated room away from predators. The cage should not be exposed to direct sunlight or be located in a cold, humid environment.  
  • The size of a commercial guinea pig cage is not sufficient to provide adequate space for its well-being. If you choose such a cage, you need to make sure that your guinea pig can go out in a safe enclosure for several hours each day. 
  • The ideal ambient temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. 
  • We recommend avoiding wooden cages (impossible to clean properly) and glass terrariums (suboptimal ventilation). 
  • Wire mesh cage bottoms are not recommended, as they can lead to pododermatitis and fractures. It’s preferable to install soft mats (anti-slip mats, for example), blankets or towels, and/or substrate such as paper litter. Similar to rabbits, certain guinea pigs can use a litter box. 
  • Paper litter is preferable to wood shavings for your pet’s respiratory health. In any case, cedar shavings are toxic and should be avoided at all costs. 
  • It is important to provide several hiding spots (at least as many hiding spots as there are individuals). 
  • Offering a portion of your pet’s meals in toys is suggested to provide enrichment and encourage exercise. Kibble can be offered in a hollow plastic ball, or hay hidden in paper or an empty toilet paper roll, in a basket, or in an empty cardboard box. 
  • It is preferable to offer hay on the ground or in a container close to the ground. High hay racks increase the risk of foreign bodies (pieces of hay) entering the animal’s eyes, which could lead to infections or corneal abrasions.
    • Guinea pigs prefer to drink water from a bottle. Providing both a bottle and a bowl of water is advisable in case the bottle’s mechanism becomes blocked. 
    • Keeping guinea pigs and rabbits together is not advisable, to avoid the transmission of respiratory pathogens between individuals. 
    • Regular outings outside, weather permitting, are beneficial to the health and well-being of guinea pigs. Outings should always be supervised and take place before 10 a.m. or after 3.30 p.m. To prevent heatstroke, we recommend installing a secure enclosure half in the sun and half in the shade. Guinea pigs should not have access to grass that has been recently treated with pesticides. 

    Veterinary Care  

    • There is no vaccine currently recommended for guinea pigs in Quebec. 
    • A yearly veterinary examination is recommended, including a complete dental check-up. 
    • Regular nail trimming is recommended (with a frequency that may vary between 4 and 12 weeks, depending on the animal).   
    • - Preventive treatments against skin parasites are recommended for guinea pigs that spend time outside in the summer, and those living with animals that go outdoors (dogs, cats, rabbits). 
    • Routine sterilization of females is not recommended, as the risks associated with the procedure are significant. 
    • Sterilization of males is recommended to ease cohabitation between males and prevent pregnancy in the case of mixed cohabitation. It should be noted that guinea pigs can reach their sexual maturity as early as 8 weeks of age.  

    Common Medical Issues that Warrant Consultation  

    If your chinchilla presents one or more of these symptoms, consult a veterinarian as soon as possible:  

    -Appetite loss for more than 8 hours 

    -Lack of stool production for more than 8 hours 


    -Urinating difficulties or absence of urination  

    -Abundant blood in urine or stools 

    -Difficulty breathing 

    -Sudden decrease in activity level 

    -Signs of fracture 

    -Difficulty giving birth 

    -Keeping one eye closed  

    -Any altercation with a cat 

    -Open wound 


    Loss of appetite and reduced stool production 

    Sudden or gradual loss of appetite, combined with reduced or absent stool production, is the most frequent reason for emergency consultation in guinea pigs. Some animals will also show signs of bruxism (teeth grinding), a drop in general condition, and assume abnormal positions (such as lying on their stomachs).

    Inadequate diet (too much feed and/or fruit, insufficient hay), stress, digestive infection or obstruction (stomach torsion, intussusception, foreign body), or any other health condition causing pain or discomfort (urinary stones, respiratory or urinary infection, dental pain, etc.) may be the cause.  

    The most serious complication of this condition, if not treated promptly, is enterotoxemia. 

    The vet will perform a complete physical exam and may recommend blood tests and/or X-rays to rule out possibilities and adapt treatment.  

    Management involves pain management and rehydration. Depending on the case, prokinetics, antibiotics and force-feeding may be prescribed. In most cases, inpatient care is initially recommended, allowing treatments to be administered intravenously or subcutaneously. When the animal's condition improves, treatment can be continued at home. 

    The prognosis largely depends on the underlying cause. To prevent recurrence, make sure you follow dietary recommendations and treat any underlying medical conditions. 


    Enterotoxemia is a very serious digestive condition. It is caused by the growth of bacteria (Clostridium spp) that are normally present in minute quantities in the guinea pig's digestive system. These bacteria produce toxins that spread through the bloodstream, causing a state of shock. The guinea pig will show the following clinical signs: sudden and severe despondency, anorexia (loss of appetite), diarrhea or lack of stool production, distended and painful abdomen, and rapid or difficult breathing. 

    Causes include inadequate oral antibiotics, a drastic change in diet, a digestive infection, etc. This condition is suspected during a general examination of the guinea pig and can be confirmed with X-rays of the abdomen. Intensive intravenous treatment may be attempted, but unfortunately the condition is often advanced by the time the diagnosis is made, and the associated prognosis is poor. 


    Dental Disease  

    Guinea pigs have 20 teeth that grow continuously throughout their life, making them susceptible to dental problems. Causes of dental disease most often include insufficient intake of hay (fibre) or a vitamin C deficiency; less frequently, a congenital abnormality (birth or growth-related), vitamin D and/or calcium deficiency, trauma, or infection. 

    The 4 incisors are easily seen by owners and should be white, smooth, and symmetrical. However, the 16 premolars/molars can only be checked with a suitable instrument by a veterinarian and are unfortunately often abnormal in case of dental disease. Most often, abnormal teeth become severely elongated towards the tongue, preventing the animal from chewing. In some cases, some teeth may be sharp, causing a laceration of the tongue or cheek. Finally, some teeth may be fractured or infected. 

    Guinea pigs rarely show signs of mild or even moderate dental disease. It’s very common to diagnose an advanced dental condition in a guinea pig that suddenly has difficulty eating on the same day. For this reason, an annual dental examination is strongly recommended for this species. 

    Other related clinical signs include selective appetite (preference for feed, refuses hay), eye and/or nasal discharge, swelling of the face or behind the eye, excessive bruxism, weight loss, stomach ache or hypersalivation, resulting in a guinea pig with a soiled chin and/or front paws. 

    Tooth trimming under general anaesthesia is usually recommended. In some cases, dietary adjustments can limit the progression of the disease (in the case of vitamin C or fibre deficiency); however, regular check-ups and tooth trimming are often necessary for life. The frequency of tooth trimming can vary from 4 weeks to a few months. 

    In some cases, medical imaging (X-rays or CT scans of the head) may be recommended to confirm the diagnosis and plan dental extractions, particularly if infection is suspected. 

    Ovarian Cysts 

    Ovarian cyst is a widespread condition in female guinea pigs over 2 years of age. Several types of cyst exist, and the related signs vary according to their nature. Certain types of cysts lead to an overproduction of sex hormones, which will then cause variable clinical signs such as hair loss on both flanks, itching, vaginal discharge, lethargy, and loss of appetite. Alternatively, some cysts may be asymptomatic or cause non-specific signs such as discomfort and/or loss of appetite. Medical imaging (ultrasound and/or X-rays) is usually the key to diagnosis. 

    A variety of treatment options exist and should be discussed with the veterinarian, taking into account the nature and size of the cyst, as well as the patient's general condition. Possible treatments include hormonal injections, ultrasound-guided cyst drainage or an ovariectomy-hysterectomy. 


    Scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency. It's a condition frequently found in pet guinea pigs. Like humans, guinea pigs are unable to synthesize vitamin C, so it's important to provide them with a daily supply in their diet. Vitamin C is essential for healthy blood vessels and joints. Deficiency can therefore lead to clinical signs that affect several systems, such as dry, dull hair, dental malocclusion, reduced growth (in young individuals), weakness in the hind limbs, swollen joints, lethargy, bruxism (consistent with pain), diarrhea and/or eye bleeding. Diagnosis is based mainly on medical history, physical examination and sometimes X-rays or blood tests to rule out other conditions with similar clinical signs. Treatment starts with high levels of vitamin C supplementation, followed by a lifelong maintenance dose. The prognosis is usually very good. However, dental anomalies may unfortunately persist and require appropriate long-term treatment. 


    Pododermatitis is an infection and/or inflammation of the skin under the paws. It is generally more pronounced on the hind legs. Several factors can lead to pododermatitis. Obesity, type of substrate (wire mesh, wood shavings, plastic), nail length, inactivity and trauma are the most frequently observed factors.  

    Treatment of pododermatitis involves several components, including environmental correction, local treatments (creams, bandages) and pain management, depending on the severity of the lesions. The healing process can take from a few weeks for mild lesions to several months for more advanced cases. Regular follow-up during treatment is usually recommended. Typical signs of pain, such as vocalizations or lameness, are rare. More subtle signs, such as a reluctance to move or a preference for moving on soft substrates, are more likely to be observed. However, it is a painful condition that can lead to loss of appetite when lesions are advanced. 


    Pediculosis is a lice infestation. Rest assured, the 3 types of lice observed in guinea pigs are species-specific, i.e., they only affect guinea pigs. However, it is important to keep handling the animal to a minimum, as touching it can increase the level of itching. The affected guinea pig will have a greasy, yellowish coat and will frequently develop scabies on the body as a result of excessive scratching. Diagnosis is made by visualization of the lice. Topical application of an antiparasitic product to all guinea pigs in the household is recommended and is usually very effective as a treatment. Finally, the environment must be disinfected in order to avoid recurrence. 


    Body Mites 

    Trixacarus Caviae is a body mite affecting guinea pigs. Unlike lice, this parasite can be transmitted to other animals and humans, causing red patches and itching at the site of contact. Treating the guinea pig is usually sufficient to stop the problem, as the parasite only survives long-term in this species. Lesions affecting humans will then disappear on their own. Infested guinea pigs will have a lot of dandruff on their backs and severe itching, sometimes resembling convulsions. The diagnosis is made with the identification of the mite under the microscope and the treatment is similar to that for pediculosis. 

    Sarcoptes Scabei is another body mite that affects guinea pigs and other animals. However, this mite can live long term in all species, so all affected individuals must be treated to completely eradicate the infection. The infected animal will have multiple hairless areas, scabs, and severe itching. Diagnosis and treatment are the same as for Trixacarus caviae. 


    Guinea pigs are susceptible to fleas that affect cats and dogs. Most affected individuals will not show clinical signs unless they are allergic to flea saliva. In this case, each flea bite will cause a lot of itching and the animal will show compulsive scratching, which can even lead to skin lesions and secondary bacterial infections. All pets in the home should be treated with a suitable antiparasitic product for 3 to 6 months, depending on the severity of the infestation. Regular cleaning of the house during treatment is also recommended. 


    In guinea pigs, ringworm is caused by a fungus, Trichophyton Mentagrophytes. It causes the appearance of round, crusty, hairless patches that tend to get larger. This fungus can also infect humans by causing red patches on the skin at the site of contact, often associated with itching. The veterinarian will suggest taking a few hairs from around the lesions for lab analysis. Topical and/or oral antifungal treatment is usually prescribed while awaiting test results if suspicion is very high, or after laboratory confirmation if lesions are mild. Handling of the animal and movements in its environment should be limited during treatment. It is important to wear gloves during handling. It is also advisable to disinfect the environment with suitable treatment. A control laboratory test is usually recommended before stopping treatment, even if the lesions have disappeared. 

    Dr. Hélène Rembeaux, DMV, IPSAV (zoologic medicine) 


