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The Rabbit

The Rabbit

The rabbit is a very endearing and sociable small mammal. It belongs to the lagomorph family. It differs from the rodent because it has an extra pair of maxillary incisors. Its teeth are all elodontal, which means that they all grow continuously. It is therefore important to feed the rabbit with hay, as it mainly wears out its teeth by chewing hay, preventing them from becoming too long. Its lifespan is about 10 to 12 years, with sexual maturity reached at 4-5 months. The female has a fold of skin on her neck called the dewlap, she will use it when it is time to make her nest, as she will tear off the hair there to make it.


The digestion of rabbits is characterized by high bacterial activity. Thus, any slowing of the digestive transit will promote abnormal bacterial growth and cause health problems. Timothy hay is essential to a rabbit's diet, it must be provided on demand and available at all times. Hay also allows for normal wear of the teeth, preventing them from becoming too long and causing discomfort. Alfalfa hay should only be offered to young or pregnant rabbits because it contains a higher amount of protein and calcium. Excess calcium will promote the formation of urinary stones.


Leafy greens represent the second most important component of the rabbit's diet. They can be offered without any limitation. Among leafy greens to be offered daily are green cabbage, kale, romaine, chard, bok choy, carrot leaves, turnip leaves and endives. Spinach, broccoli (leaves and florets), and parsley should be offered no more than twice a week as they contain a lot of calcium. Dandelion leaves and flowers are also acceptable. As carrots are particularly sweet, they should be considered as a treat (offered twice a week). Any new food must be included in the diet gradually, as rabbits have a fickle digestive system: a new vegetable offered in too large a quantity will cause diarrhea!


Kibble is not necessary and should be offered in small quantities, maximum 2 tablespoons per rabbit per day. Otherwise, it will provide too much protein and calcium, reducing hay consumption and promoting the development of urinary stones and obesity.


Finally, fruit must be considered as a treat only and be offered in very small quantities (e.g., one raspberry per week). Too much fruit will promote bacterial overgrowth in the digestive system and cause diarrhea. 


Rabbits produce a particular type of stool at night called ceocotroph. The stool has a slightly different route through the rabbit's digestive system and is composed of a large amount of protein and vitamins, which the rabbit recovers by ingesting. Normally, the rabbit will eat coecotrophs directly from its anus, as long as it’s able to reach them with his mouth, which may not be possible in case of significant obesity. These softer stools will then tend to stick to the rabbit’s hindquarters and cause dermatitis. 


It's best to offer water in a bowl, as rabbits prefer them to bottles. 



We recommend keeping your rabbit in a spacious enclosure, not a cage. Supervised free-range time is recommended whenever you're at home. The rabbit's nails should be trimmed approximately once per month, using a nail clipper. Rabbits with access to the outdoors in the summer should be treated monthly for parasitic infections, just like dogs! Female rabbits must be spayed to avoid the development of uterine tumours. Ideally, sterilization should be performed at around 6 months of age. It is essential to control the amount of rich food offered (kibble, fruit, sweet vegetables) to prevent obesity.



The rabbit’s bone structure is more fragile than other mammals. Therefore, you should always hold your rabbit's hindquarters when you lift it off the ground, to prevent it from kicking with its hind legs and suffering from a fracture or even vertebral dislocation. The rabbit should not be held by its ears, as this can damage the skin or cause vagal shock, resulting in a severe slowing of the heart rate and potentially even death.



The rabbit should be kept in an enclosure while you are away if it likes to chew on wires, cables, or walls. Otherwise, it can be left to roam free in the house. The bottom of the enclosure should not be screened, as this can cause damage to its legs. A rabbit can be trained to relieve itself in a litter box. This will limit the contact of its paws and belly with urine, which could cause dermatitis (skin infection). The litter must be made of recycled paper. Pine and cedar shavings are NOT ACCEPTABLE as they are irritating to the rabbit's skin and respiratory tract. Rabbits do not tolerate heat, as they do not have sweat glands that allow them to cool down. Therefore, it is advisable to provide them with an ambient temperature of 15 to 20 degrees Celcius, both in summer and in winter! Rabbits are sociable and can live together in cages. Neutering can help reduce aggressive behaviour between rabbits. Gradual integration is recommended, and not all pairs end up getting along well.


Other Species

The rabbit cannot cohabit with the guinea pig as it can make guinea pigs sick. The rabbit is a natural carrier of Bordetella Bronchiseptica, a bacterium that causes respiratory infections in guinea pigs. Therefore, these two animals must not share the same environment. Since the rabbit is a ferret’s natural prey, it is recommended to avoid contacts between both species. The mere presence of a ferret in the rabbit's environment will generate a lot of stress.

Frequent Illnesses


Enterotoxemia is a very serious digestive condition. It is due to the growth of bacteria that are usually present in very small quantities in the rabbit's intestine. These bacteria produce toxins that may enter the bloodstream and cause a state of shock. The rabbit will show the following clinical signs: severe and sudden despondency, rapid and/or exaggerated breathing, and dark red gums.


Unfortunately, there are many causes for enterotoxemia: inadequate oral antibiotics, drastic change in diet, gastric stasis, etc. This condition is suspected during the rabbit’s general examination and is confirmed with an X-ray of the abdomen. Early treatment is essential in order to slow down the evolution of this condition, but it only proves to be effective when implanted at the very beginning. It requires hospitalization to provide care via intravenous access.


Gastric Stasis

The rabbit's digestive system is particularly dependent on high fibre content. Inadequate nutrition (too much kibble, too little hay, too many fruit or sweet vegetables), stress, or any other health condition leading to anorexia (urinary stones, uterine tumours, pasteurellosis, dental abscess, etc.) can cause a slowdown in digestive transit. 


Rabbits suffering from gastric stasis show symptoms such as a loss of appetite, a decrease in the volume of stool produced and abnormally calm behaviour. A particularly ailing rabbit may grind its teeth or change its position frequently.


A simple physical examination and review of the rabbit’s medical history allow us to suspect this condition. Treatment must be started promptly after clinical signs appear to prevent worsening of the rabbit’s condition. To treat gastric stasis, the animal must be rehydrated, its pain treated and force-feeding must be provided. 


In conjunction with treatment for gastric stasis, the cause of its onset should be investigated to prevent recurrence. An evaluation of your rabbit's environment can be done with your veterinarian, as well as some tests to detect potentially responsible medical conditions.


Sometimes, a rabbit with symptoms similar to digestive stasis suffers instead from gastrointestinal obstruction. The obstruction is usually caused by hair ingestion when the rabbit grooms itself. This condition may require more intensive care, and force-feeding could worsen the condition. It is therefore not recommended to blindly force-feed your rabbit if it is not eating. A veterinary examination is required to differentiate between both conditions and initiate appropriate treatment.


Skin Conditions and Parasites

Scabies (Skin Mites)

Sarcoptes Scabei is a parasite that can infect several animals including dogs, cats, guinea pigs, ferrets, and rabbits. Transmission occurs through direct contact (with the carrier animal) or indirect contact (with recently infected objects or surfaces). The rabbit affected by this parasite will suffer from severe itching and scabs will appear on its skin, most often located on the legs and belly. The diagnosis is made by identifying the mite under the microscope by scraping off the skin from the animal. 


The treatment is carried out with a topical antiparasitic agent. It is essential to isolate the animal from other furry pets in the house and to wear gloves during handling, as this parasite can also infect humans. Indeed, scabies is a zoonosis and it appears in humans through red patches associated with severe itching. If you suspect this infection, please consult your doctor immediately so that treatment can be started as soon as possible. Be aware that you cannot transmit scabies from one animal to another human, but you can infect any other furry animal.


Fur Mites

Cheyletiella Parasitovorax is a skin mite that causes the apparition of white dandruff, hairless areas, and scabs on the rabbit's back. Sometimes associated with excessive scratching, it can infect humans and cause the apparition of small red pimples at the site of contact, with or without itching. It is detected through microscopic examination of dandruff taken from the rabbit with sticky paper. 


Ear Mites

Psoroptes cuniculi is a parasite causing redness and brownish scabs on the ears of rabbits. It is often associated with heavy scratching, or frequent head shaking. The scabs MUST NOT be removed, as severe damage to the skin underneath may occur. The diagnosis is made by microscopic examination of an ear smear and the treatment is the same as for skin mites.



Rabbits are susceptible to catching cat, dog and rodent fleas. The diagnosis is based on seeing live fleas or its droppings on the animal. The latter have the appearance of commas or black dots, which leave a red trace if crushed with a wet finger on a white surface. Fleas can be treated with an application of an antiparasitic product.



Pododermatitis is an infection or inflammation of the skin under the paws. This inflammation can progress until it turns into a severe infection. It is usually more pronounced on the hind legs and is frequently associated with obesity; it can also be secondary to trauma caused by uncovered floors. Litter made from pine or cedar shavings can also irritate the skin, promoting pododermatitis.


Treating pododermatitis can take some time and requires the owner's patience. An antibacterial cream, and sometimes oral antibiotics, are used to address the bacterial infection. Bandages or socks are recommended to help protect the paws during the rabbit’s recovery, and sometimes for a longer period.


Adjusting the environment is crucial: wire surfaces and cedar or pine litter must be removed, and the floors should be covered with carpets or blankets. Recurrences are common in pododermatitis, so you should frequently monitor the underside of your pet's legs to detect the onset of inflammation as early as possible.



In rabbits, ringworm is caused by a fungus, Trichophyton Mentagrophytes. It leads to the appearance of round, hairless patches that tend to grow larger. This fungus can also infect humans by causing the apparition of red patches on the skin at the site of contact, often associated with itching. To diagnose this fungus, special detection or culture are recommended. Handling of the animal and movement in its environment during treatment should be limited. It is also important to wear gloves when handling the animal during treatment. Ringworm is treated with topical and oral medication, and the treatment may require several weeks.


Uterine Tumour

Uterine adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumour that affects 50 to 80% of female rabbits aged 4 years and older. Clinical signs observed are the appearance of blood in the urine, despondency, weight loss, and anorexia. Discomfort upon palpation of the abdomen is frequently observed on examination, sometimes associated with the palpation of a mass. The tumour is strongly suspected with certain changes observed in the X-ray and its presence is confirmed when the uterus and ovaries are removed in surgery. This routine procedure should be performed in all rabbits starting at about 6 months of age, to prevent this condition and to control reproduction. Chest X-rays are recommended prior to the procedure to detect possible lung metastases.


Respiratory Diseases


Pasteurella Multocida is a bacterium that affects rabbits in several different ways. This bacterium can cause skin abscesses, pneumonia, nasal infections and internal ear infections. Clinical signs vary according to the form of the disease, ranging from a simple bump on the skin to purulent nasal secretions, head tilted to the side and dyspnea (difficulty breathing). 


Diagnosis is made based on clinical signs and medical history. When otitis media or pneumonia are suspected, X-rays are taken to confirm the diagnosis and to assess the severity of the condition. Pasteurellosis is treated with antibiotics for a varying period, depending on the animal's response to treatment. Given the persistence of the agent in the animal following treatment, recurrences are frequent and must be treated with antibiotics each time. Stress plays an important role in the recurrence of infections in the carrier animal.


Encephalitozoon Cuniculi

  1. Cuniculi is a fungus transmitted by contact with the urine of infected rabbits and can be found in different locations in the body, causing different symptoms. It most often lodges itself in the brain, causing the animal to hold its head tilted to the side and can even make it roll over on itself. There is also left/right movement of the eyes when the animal is motionless (called nystagmus), as well as loss of balance and weakness in the hind legs. All these signs are mostly accompanied by loss of appetite and despondency. 

The fungus can also settle in the kidneys, preventing them from retaining water from the body. The animal then urinates and drinks more, while also being despondent. Finally, E. Cuniculi can settle in the eyes and lead to uveitis (infection of the inside of the eye) or cataracts. The animal's eye will then change in appearance: a white circle in the centre of the eye, half-closed eyes, purulent discharge, or redness.


It is important to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible if your rabbit shows these clinical signs, because the earlier the disease is treated, the less likely it is that irreversible damage will occur. The treatment in infected rabbits is antifungal medication administered orally once a day for one month. There is also a blood test to check if the animal has been exposed to the agent. The sick rabbit should be separated from other rabbits for a period of 3 months, since the parasite can be excreted in the infected animal’s urine during this time. Unfortunately, some lesions are incurable and the animal may retain after-effects for the rest of its life, such as a head tilted to the side, despite adequate treatment.


If your rabbit requires medical care that cannot be performed in your regular clinic, we will transfer its file to our specialty team working at the Centre Vétérinaire Laval.

