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About Feline AIDS

About Feline AIDS

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is real: this retrovirus was discovered in 1986. It is similar in many ways to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), but rest assured, it is not transmissible to humans! Its prevalence would be 9.32% in Quebec and 4.31% in Canada. Quebec is at the top of the list of provinces most affected by this disease. It's worth paying attention to!

This disease is transmitted from one cat to another, mainly by biting; the mother can also transmit it to her kittens. The virus attacks the cat's immune system. The onset of symptoms is usually preceded by a long asymptomatic phase (often several years). Its clinical presentation can take different forms: chronic mouth infections, eye disease, neurological disorders, kidney issues, or a strong predisposition to various infections resulting from a deficiency of the immune system; and unfortunately, the animal's death.

Animals at risk are naturally those who go outside and are exposed to bites from other cats, or those who live with a seropositive cat.

Fortunately, your veterinarian has a simple blood test that can detect the presence of FIV antibodies within minutes. But beware, a seropositive cat can also simply be a cat that was vaccinated against the disease. It is important for any cat at risk to undergo this test regularly. Remember that spaying or neutering your pet is always extremely important and reduces contact between cats and territory fights.

Don't hesitate to discuss the relevance of vaccinating your pet with your veterinarian. They are the best person to help you weigh the pros and cons. Never condemn a seropositive animal that is not sick, because it can live a normal life for several years. However, you must make sure that it does not transmit the virus to others. Your veterinary team is best suited to give you the appropriate recommendations.
