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Taking Care of your Cat with Osteoarthritis

Taking Care of your Cat with Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a condition that occurs in animals of all species, particularly for older or large breed animals. It consists of an irreversible degradation of the cartilage of the joints. This disease is painful and requires special care. Here are some tips for caring for your cat with osteoarthritis:


Ensuring a Healthy Weight

Being overweight predisposes animals to develop osteoarthritis. It is also essential for cats already affected by osteoarthritis to maintain a healthy weight to reduce pain, symptoms and the progression of the condition.


Having Regular Veterinary Exams

It is very important to detect early signs of osteoarthritis in your cat. To do so, have your pet examined regularly by your veterinarian. For animals that already have osteoarthritis, it is just as important to having them examined to follow the evolution of their disease, adjust the therapeutic approach and reduce your animal's pain.



Diet is an important factor in weight control. Good quality food suited to the nutritional needs of your cat will help maintain good health. It is also a good way to control your cat's weight. Some foods are also designed specifically for cats with osteoarthritis. Consult your veterinary team for a nutritional recommendation.



There is no cure, as this condition is irreversible. However, it is important to reduce pain with medical treatments prescribed by your veterinarian. There are also supplements to maintain good joint health.


Physical Activity

Maintaining moderate but regular physical activity will allow your cat to maintain good muscle mass and avoid damaging their joints. You should also provide your cat with enough rest in a comfortable place to relieve the joints during the day.


Adapting the Environment

Try to reduce unnecessary movements for your cats, for example by reducing the number of steps to climb between their food and their rest area. Use hiding places on the ground rather than high places for cats. The goal is to reduce intense effort on stairs or heights.


Preventing Pests

Cats that go outdoors are exposed to a number of parasites. Lyme disease is caused by the transmission of a bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi) by certain ticks (Ixodes scapularis) and often causes polyarthritis and signs of lameness. Administering parasite prevention treatment prescribed by your veterinarian will reduce the risk of infection.
