Help! My Dog Has Run Away!

Although we do everything in our power to prevent it, a pet is not immune to running away, when out for a walk, visiting a friend or even staying in a boarding kennel.

Here are a few tips to assist you should the situation arise:

At the time of the event and in the hours that follow:

If you see your pet running away:

  • Analyze the environment for possible dangerous situations or opportunities for the animal to escape.
  •  If possible, block or prevent the animal from fleeing into situations that could be dangerous for them, or make the next step more difficult WITHOUT pursuing the animal.
  • Follow and observe your animal, without frightening them, to avoid losing track of them.
  • If your pet is in a precarious or specific situation and you cannot rescue them, call in a rescue service (e.g. Sauvetage Animal Rescue).

Use social media – they can help you find your pet:

  • GE Cherche Charly - Chiens perdus on Facebook. They are the reference in this kind of situation and their services are free.
  • Alerte Reven - for dog disappearances and to create an alert.
  • Facebook “Spotted” pages from your town and surrounding areas.

Important: Always use the same search notice or message to create a consistent sharing effect with maximum impact.

48 hours after the event, if the animal still hasn’t been found:

Contact a “blood hound handler” in your region:

  • Blood hounds are used to find wild animals that are still alive but injured during hunting.
  • For the list of blood hound handlers, click here (in French only): Liste des conducteurs
  • Continue searching the area.

What to Do When a Dog Gets Lost

Contact GE Cherche Charly:

Their experienced team will give you the right advice to suit your circumstances and guide you through the runaway situation.



Here is a list of resources to use:

  • Veterinarians in your area
  • Animal rescue services in your area
  • Ge cherche Charly – Chiens perdus (Facebook)
  • Your local police
  • Alerte Raven – disparition canine (Facebook)
  • Sauvetage Animal Rescue and/or its director, Éric Dussault (Facebook)
  • The Association des conducteurs de chiens de sang du Québec:

Emotional Support:

It can be very difficult for a pet owner to go through this ordeal, especially if it ends in death. There are resources available, such as pet bereavement and intuitive communication counselling. We encourage all owners going through this experience to seek help and make use of the resources available to them.

All our clinics, hospitals and centres are proud to apply these recommendations and are able to support you if your pet has run away. Do not hesitate to contact your veterinary team.


Source (original French version): GE Cherche Charly 2022

Under Pressure

Did you know that Max can suffer from hypertension? The most common causes of high blood pressure in cats are hyperthyroidism and chronic renal failure. Sometimes, there is no specific cause; this is called idiopathic hypertension.

Hypertension affects:

  • 2% of all cats, and 9% of cats older than 10
  • 80% of cats with hyperthyroidism
  • More often males than females

This condition is called the "silent killer" because Max may suffer from it without showing any symptoms. However, his eyes, brain, heart and kidneys are at risk of damage. Hypertension over 200 mm can cause retinal detachment. Cardiac hypertrophy develops within one month of chronic hypertension appearing. As a result, 42% of hypertensive cats will also have a heart murmur or arrhythmia. As well, 92% of cats with high blood pressure also have kidney disease at the onset. They may also show changes in mental status due to brain damage.

A diagnosis is made with a device similar to the one used for humans, but adapted for pets. An adequate measurement may be difficult to obtain if Max is under a lot of stress when being handled.

How is hypertension treated?

  • By addressing the primary cause, for example by treating hyperthyroidism if present.
  • By avoiding foods that are rich in sodium, especially cat treats!
  • By putting Max on a weight-loss diet to control his obesity.
  • By prescribing medication with blood pressure monitoring. Pressure should be monitored regularly until normal values are achieved. Afterwards, it is best to have blood pressure checked 2 to 4 times a year.


Halloween Safety – No Tricks Needed!

Halloween night doesn't have to be a scary experience for your cat! All you have to do to make sure the festivities run smoothly is to make sure everything is safe for your cat, without sacrificing the fun, of course! Here are some tips to make your Halloween celebrations spooky... only for humans!

Outdoor Cats
Don't let Kitty go out on Halloween night, there will be plenty of people roaming around in the streets! To prevent her from sneaking between your legs while you're handing out treats, you can confine her to a room with a window view so she can see the little monsters outside! When children come to your door, go outside to hand out treats and close the door behind you.

Candy and Wrappers
Remember, do not give your cat treats intended for human consumption! Everyone has their own treats! Keep Halloween bags and their contents in a closed area that is inaccessible to other pets in the house. Some cats are just too curious! While enjoying your candy, make sure you throw away the wrappers and lollipop sticks and don't let your cat play with them! There is a significant risk of intestinal obstruction if they were to be ingested.

Decorations and Candles
Decorate the house wisely. Use safe decorations and avoid anything that cats can eat or chew (e.g., rope, string, spider webs, etc.). Never leave lit candles unattended.

Halloween Costume
Although it may seem like a lot of fun, it's preferable not to dress up or have your kitty wear Halloween accessories. Costumes are uncomfortable and stressful for your cat, who might chew on them and even ingest parts of them. Of course, dressing them up for a few pictures isn't a big deal, but the entire evening might be more difficult for Kitty!

Nervous Cats
If your pet gets nervous when she hears sudden noises, doors slamming, or children screaming outside, isolate her in a room. To prevent further stress from surrounding noises in the evening, put on some quiet music to cover them.

Various alternatives such as Feliway and Zylkene can greatly help with stress management; talk to one of our animal health technicians!

In short, the most important thing to remember is prevention! If you have any questions or concerns about your cat's safety this Halloween, don't hesitate to talk to our team!

Besides, our whole team wishes you and your feline companions a very happy (and safe) Halloween!


When the Time Has Come…

Doc, do you think that the time has come?

Regularly, as veterinarians, we have to guide people in making the decision to euthanize their animal, which is always a heart-wrenching decision.

Unfortunately, many degenerative and disabling diseases result in a severe loss of quality of life and unacceptable suffering. The veterinarian is the best resource to support the owner in managing the end of life of their animal. The veterinarian will closely monitor the patient's health condition and will intervene to ensure maximum comfort and a good quality of life. He must also be aware of observations made at home by the owner.

Everyone assesses quality of life very differently and it can be difficult to measure perfectly. There are some indicators of quality of life. Dr. Alice Villalobos developed the 5H and 2M guidelines: Hurt, Hunger, Hydration, Hygiene, Happiness, Mobility and More good days than bad.

Using these indicators, the veterinarian and owner can determine together if the animal is in pain, if he's eating and drinking enough, if he's grooming himself daily, if he's alert, and if he's interacting. Is it able to walk well, how many good days are there versus bad days? What is a good day? etc.

Based on the quality of life analysis, a decision can be made to continue treatment or to choose euthanasia. Obviously, other elements may be considered, such as the animal's tolerance to the therapies, or the owner's skill and ability to administer medication.

These considerations about euthanasia, palliative treatment, and evaluation of quality of life are of paramount importance to any pet owner. By teaming up with your veterinarian, you can ensure that the best will always be done for your pet's comfort and well-being.


Kitty’s Vacation

You have planned a trip abroad or you are going away for a few days?

You have thought of everything: bags are  packed, the neighbour will come and feed the cats. No problem, your cats don't go outside, they are young and healthy... Be careful, appearances can be deceiving!

A frequent situation: the neighbour comes over but never sees the cats. They stay hidden, but the food dishes go down.

In preparation for your departure, it would be wise not to try out any new food in case the cats refuse to eat it. A cat that goes three days without eating will develop liver changes. It may be difficult to restore her appetite if the situation persists! If Kitty is given medication, make sure her guardian is comfortable administering it and understands the instructions and possible side effects. Did you know that some products are available to reduce anxiety and therefore stress in cats? Synthetic hormones can be released into the environment with diffusers in preparation for your departure. Hydrolyzed milk protein capsules that are added to their food help create a calming effect.

Watching someone else's cats is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. The guardian should spend enough time with your cats to know what is going on with them. They should clean the litter box(es) daily to check the amount of urine and feces. They should inspect the house to see if the cats have been chewing on things, or if they have knocked over or broken things and are in danger of hurting themselves.

When in doubt, leave your veterinarian contact information with your guardian. Calling the clinic does not automatically mean a trip will happen!

Your guardian should also be able to reach you in case of a problem, whether by phone, text or email. If this is not possible, you should leave clear instructions. What care do you allow? What if the cat needs to be hospitalized? Or needs surgery? How much money are you willing to spend? Talking about possible problems can save a lot of trouble for the person who is so kind and dedicated enough to taking care of your cats while you are soaking up the sun!

Furthermore, if Kitty's condition is critical, your guardian may be faced with the decision to euthanize... a simple discussion beforehand can save a lot of trouble!

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!



Clinique Vétérinaire Hochelaga

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.

Let’s Go Outside!

Summer is just around the corner and Kitty is starting to crave some freedom? Do you wish for your cat to go outside and "let loose" so that he can be calmer at home? Whether the idea comes from you or your cat, there are a few things to keep in mind before letting Kitty out.

First of all, make sure your cat has appropriate identification. Whether it is with a custom tag or a medal associated with the rabies vaccine, for example, make sure that the information registered enables us to contact you if your cat gets lost. You should know that it is also possible to have a microchip implanted under your cat's skin. This microchip, unique to your cat, can only be read with a special reader available at the SPA and veterinary clinics.

You should be aware that there are more dangers for an outdoor cat than one that stays inside. He will encounter many animals, some of which may be less friendly and could inflict injury. For example, a bite can lead to the transmission of certain diseases such as feline leukemia, feline AIDS and rabies. Other more contagious diseases can also threaten Kitty if he is not adequately protected. There are vaccines against most of these viruses, so ask your veterinarian for a vaccination plan adapted to Kitty's lifestyle!

A favourite activity of cats who go outside is, without a doubt, hunting! In fact, Kitty will gladly bring you some trophies back! But hunting does not have only positive aspects; because most preys are carrying parasites, often in the form of larvae encysted in their muscles. These larvae finish growing in your cat's body, which then becomes host to "intestinal worms". There are several types of parasites, and some are transmissible to humans. Therefore, it is important to have a stool analysis done every year and to give the appropriate deworming treatments.

In addition to internal parasites, your cat can also become a host to external parasites. Fleas, ear mites, body mites and ticks are among the parasites that can contaminate your environment, bite you, or even transmit certain diseases. It is crucial to protect your pet from these "invaders" during the summer months, from June to November.

In closing, keep in mind that despite the associated hazards, the outdoors offers your cat plenty of stimuli and places to explore that will satisfy her hunting and activity needs. She'll likely return home happy and relaxed.

Time for Medication – or Time to Fight?

Kitty comes back from the vet and needs to receive medication? You start administering the medication and everything goes well after a few days! You may be tempted to stop the treatment because pill time turns into rodeo time with Kitty… Bad idea!

Studies have shown that a certain percentage of people do not follow the prescribed dosage and/or duration of treatment.

Here are a few mistakes observed over time:

  • Giving a double dose to make up a skipped dose
  • Giving a double dose in the morning instead of the normal dose morning and evening
  • Modify the dosage of a given product in decreasing doses


If your vet has taken the time to prepare a treatment plan, it is important to follow it! This plan takes into account the issue targeted and how long the product will be effective. Failure to follow the treatment plan properly can lead to poor results, adverse reactions and dissatisfaction with veterinary care…

If Kitty is very resistant to the pills, don't hide them in her food; she will most likely detect them. Not only will she not take them, but she may become suspicious of her food later on. You'll then have two issues to deal with!

There are alternative solutions:

  • Specially made treats to hide pills in
  • Pill launcher
  • Some medications are available in injection form


Make sure you understand Kitty's illness. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand why some of the medications have been prescribed. Ask for a treatment demonstration if necessary. Tell your veterinarian if you cannot keep to the dosing schedule. The treatment's success depends on it. It also prevents antibiotic resistance (when an antibiotic is involved). Keeping a treatment log can also be useful if several members of the household are involved in administering the medication.

However, tell your veterinarian if the medication seems to be poorly tolerated by your cat.

With proper management, Kitty will have every chance to get better!