Hôpital Vétérinaire du Boisé

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.

Have You Heard of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease?

This new disease saw its first case in Quebec last July but has been around for some time in Europe.

It's a potentially fatal disease that only affects rabbits and hares, and is not contagious for other pet species, nor for humans.

For your rabbits, on the other hand, this disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted via clothing, shoes, or any other direct or indirect contact.

Studies even show that it stays in the environment for a long time.

Note that rabbits can catch it even if they don’t go outside, if their owner has contact with other non-vaccinated rabbits.


What can you do to prevent this disease?

Fortunately, a vaccine has been developed to protect your rabbits! It can be administered from 10 weeks of age and is effective within 7 days of administration.

As the vaccine has been developed and tested in Europe for several years, we are confident of its efficacy and safety.

Please note that booster shots are required annually, to prolong its efficacy.


What types of rabbits should receive this vaccine?

  • Rabbits in contact with several other rabbits (boarding, show, breeder, etc.),
  • Rabbits whose owners are in contact with rabbits that are not theirs,
  • Rabbits with access to the outdoors, and
  • Newly adopted rabbits, regardless of their origin (shelter, breeder, private owner).

Beware of Mushrooms!

It’s great to take a walk in the forest with your pet. The air is pleasantly cool, we can see wildlife, and admire our beautiful Quebec flora. As you probably know, not all wild mushrooms are edible, and the same risk goes for our four-legged friends!


Closer to home, our domestic compost also represents a danger due to the fungi and yeasts that grow in it from decomposing foods. We recommend blocking access to the compost bin to prevent your dog or cat from eating from it; this also helps avoid the risk of ingesting a foreign object such as a bone, a corn cob, or similar items.


Every year, many cases of mycotoxin poisoning are treated in our emergency centres. A family veterinarian cannot fully manage this type of poisoning, as your pet must be treated quickly to save its life. If your pet shows signs of hypersalivation and/or severe muscular contractions (stiffness and shaking), and you suspect that they may have eaten a mushroom or some compost, go to one of our vet emergency centres immediately.


Danielle P., TSA

Hôpital Vétérinaire Blainville

It Gets Hot in the Car!

Did you know that in just 5 to 10 minutes, the temperature inside your car can cause serious health problems for your pet?

Unfortunately so - in just 10 minutes, the temperature inside your vehicle can reach 1.5 times the outside temperature. Animals can’t evacuate heat the way we do (i.e., by sweating); they can only do it through their paws and ears, and panting. That’s why it takes a very long time for them to lower their body temperature in hot weather.

Even if your car is in the shade, its temperature can still rise to critical levels; and even if the windows are rolled down, it doesn’t make much difference.

When it’s hot outside, please leave your pet at home when you run errands, as a short five-minute wait can easily turn into fifteen, and that’s when you can put your pet at risk.


If your pet shows signs of heat stroke, please contact one of our clinics as soon as possible.


What to do if you see an animal in this situation:

  1. Note vehicle plate number, make and model.
  2. Notify the managers of nearby stores so that they can make an announcement on their premises.
  3. Call the local police.
  4. Stay near the vehicle and wait for help to arrive.

What to do if your pet suffers from the heat:

  1. Remove your pet from the vehicle and give them fresh water.
  2. Place your pet in a cool place, use wet towels or run cool water over their head, neck, abdomen, and legs.
  3. Call your vet immediately and follow his recommendations.


Danielle P., TSA

Hôpital Vétérinaire Blainville

Take Care of our Paws!

Summer is here and hot days are ahead. Beware, however, as these high temperatures can also affect your pet’s health. Scorching surfaces such as asphalt can inflict severe burns on your companion’s paw pads. On a sunny day, this type of surface can become much hotter than the surrounding air.


Here’s an example of temperature differences between the asphalt’s surface and the ambient temperature:

Ambient temperature ======˃ Asphalt

25 °C  ======˃  52 °C

30 °C  ======˃  57 °C

31 °C  ======˃  62 °C

Before going for a walk, we recommend that you do the hand test. Place your hand on the sidewalk and if you can’t tolerate its heat for more than 30 seconds, it means that it’s too hot for your dog as well. In this case, go for walks in the early morning or late evening, when the temperatures are cooler. If you don’t have the choice of walking your dog in the middle of the day, we recommend that you have them walk on grass, or use forest trails. There are also walking boots for dogs, made to protect their footpads.

If your dog, or even your cat, shows signs of burns on their paw pads, contact us quickly to book an appointment.


Danielle P., TSA

Hôpital Vétérinaire Blainville

Clinique Vétérinaire de Beaumont

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.

Clinique Vétérinaire de la Montérégie

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.

Hôpital Vétérinaire de la Montérégie

Your pet is a member of your family and ours; it is a best friend, and even a confidant!

That's why our dedicated team of veterinarians, technicians, assistant technicians and receptionists is always there, ready to care for your pet and give you the most appropriate advice to ensure its well-being and health.