About Feline AIDS
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is real: this retrovirus was discovered in 1986.

About Nail Caps
Nail caps are a safe alternative to declawing that allows Kitty to keep her claws.

About Resorptive Lesions
Resorptive lesions are the result of your cat's tooth enamel eroding.

Acetaminophen is Toxic to Your Cat!
Acetaminophen is a well-known analgesic and fever reducer that is widely used in different medications.
Adopting a cat
Prepare the first moments at home with your kitten with our tips and advices to help integrate into your family. Food, behavior and growth, learn more about caring for your new pet.
Alternatives to cat declawing
Learn more about our commitment not declawed cats.
An Insurance for my Cat?
Pet insurance is for those who want to provide their pet with the best possible medical care with the least worry about the associated costs. The way it works is very simple. After your visit to a clinic or veterinary hospital, you simply submit your...
Behaviour Changes for Cats Who Urinate Inappropriately
Try to determine if the cat has recently experienced stress. Stressors may include changes in temperature, changes in the cat’s environment (moving, arrival of a new pet or family member), the cat’s diet or feeding schedule, the type of litter box used, etc. Provide a...