Our services

Animal Behaviour

The behavior of our pets is not always easy to decode. Does your companion have inappropriate or abnormal reactions? Do not hesitate to ask questions!

As if he was our own!

Dog training is about building good habits.

Most misbehaviour stems from dogs not knowing what to do. Mouthy puppies, jumpy greeters, or enthusiastic barkers do what they do because it comes naturally to them.

Cats also have their little quirks. They can urinate outside their litter box, attack your visitors, meow at night and scratch your beautiful couch!

It is possible that certain behavioural problems are due to a medical condition (pain, hormonal disease, etc.). Therefore, it’s important to speak to your veterinarian or a canin behavior  specialist, as soon as the problem occurs.

Our team will be able to give you advice or refer you to a specialist near you.

For more information:

Please contact our canine behavior specialist, Isabelle Borremans:


Visit our full section on Animal Behavior

It's often small pointers and adjustments made early in life that will keep the whole family happy. It is very rewarding for us to be able to make that difference.
Isabelle Borremans
Canin Behavior specialist
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