Why consult in alternative medicine?
Complementary therapies can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine to enhance the treatment of difficult cases.
Osteopathy can be beneficial for treating certain apparent symptoms such as lameness of all kinds, digestive disorders, chronic cough, etc. Highly athletic animals are also good candidates for regular osteopathy monitoring.
Acupuncture is used to treat several metabolic, nervous or locomotor disorders. It stimulates the nervous, blood, lymphatic and immune systems.
Available Services
- Acupuncture
- Osteopathy (available only at Centre Vétérinaire Laval)
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It is considered holistic medicine, meaning it treats the animal as a whole, rather than treating a particular symptom. It treats imbalances in the body that interfere with its proper functioning, allowing it to “treat” itself.
It is preventive medicine, not just curative medicine, bringing the body into balance to avoid all kinds of infections and symptoms of illness.
Acupuncture is therefore a good complement to traditional medicine to provide the animal with all the strength necessary to regain or maintain health and a better quality of life.
How It Works
Acupuncture works based on a circuit of meridians that act similarly to the blood and lymphatic circuits. The energy circulating through the meridians can be modified by cutaneous “openings” the “points”. When a meridian is unbalanced, the stimulation of a specific point by needle puncture, the use of a laser pencil, or the injection of an anesthetic or stimulating product, can restore balance.
Acupuncture is used to treat several metabolic, nervous or locomotor conditions. It stimulates the nervous, blood, lymphatic and immune systems.
Implemented relatively recently in veterinary medicine, osteopathy is a thousand-year-old form of therapy.
It was Dr. Andrew Taylor Still who gave a name to this manual medicine in 1874.
The basic principle of osteopathy is that only a living being in perfect physiological balance can remain healthy and defend itself against external aggressions.
When mobility restrictions appear, the body tries to compensate for the imbalance and then creates a disorder in the microcirculation and in the biomechanics of the body. The osteopath tries to diagnose these blockages and to make them disappear using manipulations, so that the body regains its original balance.
When do you need to consult in osteopathy?
Osteopathy can be used preventively, even if the animal shows no symptoms of disease. It can also be beneficial during apparent symptoms such as lameness of all kinds, digestive disorders, chronic cough, neurological problem. On the other hand, conditions with surgical indications (fractures, herniated discs) or those with acute symptoms (bacterial, viral or fungal infections) must first be treated with conventional medicine. Highly athletic animals are good candidates for regular follow-up in osteopathy.