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Acetaminophen is Toxic to Your Cat!

Acetaminophen is Toxic to Your Cat!

Acetaminophen is a well-known analgesic and fever reducer that is widely used in different medications. It is important to know that this molecule is highly toxic to cats. Most often, intoxication occurs when a well-meaning (but misinformed) owner voluntarily administers the medication to Kitty, finding her looking pitiful and feverish. This is a mistake!

The toxic dosage depends on your cat's weight - as little as a quarter of a 325 mg Tylenol tablet could be very dangerous for some cats.

The cat lacks the adequate enzymatic system in its liver to metabolize acetaminophen. The cat's red blood cells that will be destroyed, resulting in severe anaemia in the hours following the drug's intake. The cat will become very despondent, its mucous membranes will become cyanotic, and its breathing will become more difficult. Death can occur within 18 to 36 hours. It is important to consult the veterinarian as soon as possible because the prognosis depends not only on the dose administered, but also on the time elapsed between the drug intake and the beginning of the treatment.

Therefore, never give your cat acetaminophen; intoxication is serious and often fatal. In fact, apply this rule to any medication or other product you have in your home. Always contact your veterinarian before administering any product. Cats are not "little humans", what is good for you can be fatal for them.

