If your pet suddenly starts to vomit and has diarrhea, it may be suffering from gastroenteritis.
It can occur following the ingestion of food your pet is not used to, of rotten food or of the contents of garbage cans. It is sometimes of infectious origin (viral such as parvovirus or bacterial such as salmonella for example).
This disease is often seen with other problems such as an intestinal obstruction caused by foreign objects, pancreatitis, an intestinal parasitosis, an endocrinal disease or another metabolic disease.
In some cases, the gastroenteritis can be hemorrhagic – this is characterized by the presence of blood in diarrheic stools and even sometimes blood in the vomit.
If your pet has gastroenteritis, it may present one or many of the following clinical signs (symptoms):
- Vomiting (sometimes with blood)
- Diarrhea (sometimes hemorrhagic)
- Anorexia
- Loss of appetite
- Dehydration
- Abdominal discomfort
- Occasional fever
When your pet has such signs, it is important to quickly consult your veterinarian; a physical exam is necessary. Depending on the case, different tests could be suggested to establish the diagnosis such as abdominal X-rays, blood tests, a parvovirus detection test, a stool analysis, etc.
Your pet may need to be hospitalized and receive an intravenous solution to be rehydrated. He is kept fasting until the vomiting has stopped. Different drugs can be administered according to their needs, such as antibiotics, antacids, or mucosa protectants. An easy to digest diet is then offered, and when it feels better, a gradual return to their normal diet will be considered.
If your pet has vomiting and/or diarrhea, consult your veterinarian!
If your pet requires cares that cannot be performed in your hospital, we will transfer its file to one of our internal medicine specialists working at the Centre Vétérinaire Rive-Sud or at the Centre Vétérinaire Laval.