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Recommendations for the Geriatric Cat

Recommendations for the Geriatric Cat

In the cat, the elderly period of life begins at approximately 7 years. At this time, the cat's organs gradually lose their ability to perform their normal functions. Unfortunately, this degenerative process often leads to disease.

It has been clearly established that the best way to extend the life of our elderly cats with the best possible quality of life is to have good preventive medicine. Our objective is to identify the risk factors and detect at an early stage any abnormalities in your pet, in order to cure him or delay the progression of the disease. Therefore, every year, your cat should come to the clinic for:

  • a physical examination done by your veterinarian,
  • a complete blood test with thyroid hormone measurement,
  • a blood pressure measurement,
  • a urinalysis,
  • adequate vaccination according to his needs, and
  • dietary recommendations according to his health condition.

By following these recommendations, you will definitely help increase your cat's life expectancy and ensure a good quality of life for him.
